Friday, July 22, 2011

Palomar Observatory, by Greg

Hello. Time for another fun trip to a telescope with Greg, the astronomer!

There are a few older observatories in California that were built back before the cities sprawled. For this observing run I headed to Palomar Observatory in San Diego County. I used the flagship Hale telescope with a 200-inch Pyrex mirror.

A three hour drive into the mountains took me to Mount Palomar and the living quarters known as "The Monastery." The living quarters were given this name because Palomar was built when few women were involved in astronomy, and in fact were banned from visiting the living quarters.

Now women are welcome at Palomar and astronomy is about 50/50, but the name has stuck.

After I settled in my room I went for a walk to the Hale telescope.

I have been to enough telescopes to know that when you are given a master key, you should use it on every door you can. The dome is 14 stories tall with a catwalk at ~80 feet. The lower half is full of closed doors with the remnants of old instruments and observing tools behind them. The most famous of these are the photographic plates which were once used to take astronomical images.

When the 200-inch was first built images were taken on 18-inch square plates of glass that produced negatives that needed to be developed. These plates were placed at "prime-focus." This means that the observer would climb the ladder up the the top of the telescope were a small room and chair are located. Here they would put the plate in place and then look through a small eyepiece at a bright star. They would then sit in the cold and dark dome for an hour nudging the telescope to keep everything aligned. After an hour, they would do it again with a new plate. An assistant would take the first plate down to the basement for developing. These are the rooms that can be explored if you have the master keys they give to the visiting astronomers.

After exploring the telescope I returned to The Monastery, where a cooked dinner was provided. For the next two nights I sat in front of 4 computer monitors and took images using a digital camera. However, I still had to nudge the stars to keep everything aligned while we observed. Since I was the assistant in this case, I am happy that digital images don't require developing and that I was in a heated room instead of the cold dome.

I am headed back to Hawaii in a couple weeks to observe at the Keck Observatory and to visit tropical waterfalls!!! I will have another blog post when I return!

Our Little Visitor

At the end of June we had a visit from Greg's little sister Anissa.

It started with a quick trip back to Flagstaff to pick her up, which wouldn't be complete without a trip or two to Macys... (maybe it should have been three).

When we got back to Los Angeles we needed a place for Anissa to sleep, you know one where Pico wouldn't lick her at night, and try to share the covers. Greg and I had been toying with the idea of getting some furniture for a while so the next morning we went to Ikea and got a couch, table, and a couple book cases. Out of these three things we knew Anissa could sleep on one of them... I voted book case but Anissa refused.

FYI, Ikea has flat rate delivery! So if you need to buy something there, buy a lot and get them to deliver it for much less then a truck rental would cost! (This friendly advise brought to you by Greg).

Here is Greg, Pico, and Anissa putting together our new table. They had everything assembled in just a few hours. By the way I also helped but there are no pictures to prove it.

Greg had to go into work a couple of times during her visit so Anissa and I ran errands, and had some fun. We went to Color Me Mine, a store where you paint a ceramic thing-a-ma-bob and they fire it for you. Anissa made a coffee mug and I made a spoon rest.

Next, we went out for Chicken and waffles! Yum!

And then we visited the Getty Museum. You are not allowed to photograph the exhibits, but the gardens are just as amazing!

In the middle of the week we took a boat ride out to Santa Cruz Island and had a long hike and a picnic at Smugglers Cove.

The next day we slept in late and then drove to Hollywood to see Shakespeare in the Park at the Old LA Zoo. We were the first audience members of the 2011 season and received a round of applause while we settled in and at another picnic meal.

Finally we went to Angel Stadium in Anaheim to catch the Freeway Series (LA Angeles vs. LA Dodgers). The Dodgers won. After attending 5 different baseball games since moving to LA, our team has yet to win.

After all this excitement we needed a rest. Anissa decided we should spent a few days at home watching some show about mermaids before we headed back to Flagstaff.

For our final dinner we had Sushi. We had to lie to Anissa about what she was eating, but she liked the eel rolls until we told her they contained eel, oh well! Desert was Diddy Riese ice cream sandwiches, if you come to LA and you don't go to Diddy Riese you are seriously missing out on something great!

We drove Miss. Anissa back to Flagstaff and spent a couple more days resting with Family. Then we had to get back to Los Angeles for Greg to work again, and me to read a bunch of really cheesy fiction books.

Hope everyone is having a great Summer!!!!!!

PS: For those of you who are curious here is a before and after of our apartment.

Sorry, this one is a little blurry.