Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010!!!!

As promised, in all of it's glory, I present to you Greg and Janet's fabulous Thanksgiving trip 2010!

This year we decided not to go back to Arizona for the holiday, instead we met my family for a camping trip at Death Valley National Park. We were there from Wednesday night to Sunday morning, and in that time we did a lot.

We went from Dante's View...

to the lowest point in the park, (Badwater Basin).

We saw a natural arch...

and an Artists Palette.

We went on some incredible drives around the park.

Which led to some pretty great tailgate picnics.

Last, but not even close to least we went to see the "Skittering Rocks!"

Yup, there really is no place like tent for the holidays.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Greg and I started dating.
We have had nine wonderful years of being in love, fighting like no other, and going on incredible adventures. Who could ask for anything more?!

Happy Anniversary my love!


PS: This is the first picture Greg and I took together as a couple, I am pretty sure he was trying to write a paper for a class when I put my arm around him and snapped the picture...eventually I figured out that he really doesn't like that.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I never got the whole "thinking of you" card but I decided that I would give it a shot. Did it work? Do you feel better knowing that for the last month that I have not been blogging that I was at least thinking of blogging?

I don't. Truth is... I should have just blogged. Oh well.

I started the blog as a fun way to let family and friends know what is going on in our tiny family's life.

Lately it has been feeling like a chore, and I really hate chores. Hate is a bit strong. Let me try again... I really, really, really don't like chores. It makes me feel like I am six and if I don't sweep the porch I will be disappointing someone somewhere. I am a people pleaser by nature and the idea of disappointing someone really bothers if I have disappointed you I am sorry.

That being prepared to be disappointed again. I am going to try to update the blog as often as I can, but that might not be every week.

Christmas break is just a few weeks away and I am hoping that I collect some great blogging material over the holidays.

Once Spring semester starts I don't know what the world holds in store for this little blog. I will be starting nursing school and I will have clinicals a few days a week. After orientation I am more than a little nervous about the work load but I am excited to finally be moving forward!

I have not written the Thanksgiving post...does Wednesday work for you? Okay, Thanksgiving post will be up on Wednesday. Until then here is a hint as to where Greg and I spent the holiday.

See y'all on Wednesday.


PS: Thanks for checking in, I really do love all y'all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Catch - Up

I know, I know... I have been very bad about updating this blog. I am sorry. I could give a whole bunch of excuses as to why but instead how about I catch you up with all that has happened over here in California.

October 14th through the 17th...

Greg had to go to a conference. Being the amazing husband he is, this time he invited me! So on Thursday the 14th we headed North to Berkeley for Greg's conference and for me to get out of the apartment. We spent Thursday exploring Berkeley, and Friday I stayed at the hotel studying and Greg went to his conference. We had a really great time in Berkeley and on Saturday we took the subway over to San Francisco for the day. We ended up walking about ten miles since we wanted to see as much as possible. Most of the pictures you have been seeing on the other blog are from that trip. But here are just a few more...

Nope, a bomb didn't go off this was my study area at the hotel...

Greg and I happy to get warm in our new sweatshirts...see the look on Greg's face I knew exactly how to fix that... every time, or is that for me? Can't remember. ;)

October 31...

No trick-or-treaters...but Greg did carve a pumpkin.

November 4th through the 7th...

Surprise trip to Flagstaff! No one knew that we were coming, and it was a lot of fun surprising everyone. We got in late to Flagstaff and I think it took my mom a few minutes to figure out what the heck was going on . It was really nice to see family, sit by a fire in the fireplace and get out of Los Angeles. My mom just happened to be taking care of my brother's two dogs while we were there so it was a little more chaotic than usual...

November 13th...

Greg's event Exploring Your Universe took place at UCLA. I worked at the information booth and Greg ran around like a chicken with his head cut off. Greg founded this event last year and so this was the second year he has put it together. I think it went wonderfully although in the weeks leading up to the event I don't think I saw Greg for more than ten minutes a day... I don't have any pictures of the event, but I will try to get some from Greg to post soon.

November 18th....

Pico got a haircut.

Well now that you are all caught up I will do my best to post more frequently. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all have a fabulous Turkey Day!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Four on the Fourth!

I made Pico a hat for his fourth birthday, here is his reaction.

He went from boredom, to thinking maybe he could eat it...the fact that it was paper was very disappointing for him. Which is why he looked at me like "what do you want me to do with this?"

HaPpY BiRtHdAy Little Pic!!!!!! I don't know what I would do with out you.

Monday, November 1, 2010

This and That

Do you remember this post? Well it was another piece to the puzzle.

I found out in late September that I was in the top 250 on the wait list for starting the clinical portion of the nursing program. What that meant was that on October 29, 2010 I needed to take an exam that covered math, science, vocabulary, and reading comprehension in order to become a "qualified applicant." This test covered everything, even sciences that I was not required to take such as Physics...thank goodness for Greg and his big brain! Anyway I studied and studied and last Friday I took the test. I was so stressed out and worried about the test that I cried when I found out the results are available immediately following the exam...I did not want them!

However, after the four hour exam was over I was thrilled to see that I was in the ninety-fifth percentile, and had absolutely passed the exam. I should say that I did make Greg check the results, before I believed my score but I think it is finally starting to sink in. I am hopeful that I will be starting clinical's in the Spring and will find out for sure later this month.

I just want to thank my husband publicly for his support during this past month. I was not the most friendly person, and I think he would shoot me if he saw my hair in a bun and me in sweat pants one more time. He was there every step of the way picking up the slack and encouraging me. Thank you hun so much, you are an amazing husband and friend. I love you.

To my mom, thank you for letting me cry for the last two weeks before the test every single time I called you...which was every single day. I needed that.

To everyone who takes the time to check this blog thank you for being patient with my lack of blogging!

I am back baby!

I will be posting about this later this week!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Something very exciting/stressful is happening next week. I can't tell you what it is because that would be putting too much pressure on me...this way there is a little pressure, but if it does not go well you will never hear of it again, and because you don't know what it is you can't ask about it...get it?

Anyway just letting you all know that we are alive, and despite what this picture shows we have not stopped to smell the roses in a looong time. I'll post again after it is over.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peek - a - boo...

Yesterday it rained here in Los Angeles, which I greatly prefer over the sweltering conditions of last week. I am sure you all heard that last Monday, Los Angeles hit a record high of 113°F. Yuck!

Anyway yesterday is my "long day," I don't get out of class until 10pm. Since I don't think it is safe to wait for a bus that late at night I drive to school. As I was headed out for school yesterday, I was sure there was an umbrella in the car. I drove the car to the parking lot near my last class and went in search of this luck. Not wanting to be late for my first class I decided to go without. Rain here in Los Angeles is different from the storms that you get in Northern Arizona. There is not a torrential downpour, and I have only heard thunder one time since moving here. Instead the rain here is just slow and steady. Yesterday, was just that slow and steady.

I waited for the shuttle that takes me over to my late class for 25 minutes in this slow and steady Los Angeles rain. Before heading into class I stopped by the car to switch out my books, and there it was peering out from under the seat. I searched for ten minutes in the morning on hands and knees and did not feel or see an umbrella...but the second I was not in need of it there it was.

That is the definition of a "Janet moment," I am that person that can never find what I want when I want it, but can always find an abundance of whatever is no longer needed. Lucky for me this cracks me up more than anything else.

Thank you rain,for the adventure. I have missed you!!!!!!!

Me Covered with rain...

Peek - a - boo!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am how old?

I didn't have high hopes for my 26th birthday. Greg and I were going to be flying to Indiana for a friends wedding and lately we had been having little spats due to our intense school and work schedules. So when Greg pulled into a dark parking lot in Kentucky I had no idea what was in store. The options were a) he had finally had enough, b) we were going to Joe's Crab Shack, or c) we were lost. It turned out to be none of the above, it was my birthday surprise a boat trip down the Ohio River.

After our boat ride we went for a slice of cake and opened my birthday was a great day.

The next day we started out early and went to down town Louisville. We decided to go on a tour of the Louisville Slugger Museum and a glass factory. Both were really wonderful, although I think that Greg and I preferred the Louisville Slugger Museum.

After our tours it was time to hit the road for Indiana, here is some of what we saw along the way...

The next day was the wedding, and then of course back to sunny California and our lives again.

Congratulations Ian and Betsy!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What have we been up to?

If I said we have been up to nothing, it would be a here is some of what we have been doing...

On Labor Day weekend, we set off on one of Greg's adventures. This time it meant leaving at 5:30 am driving for an hour, getting on a boat for another hour, hiking ten miles and then taking the boat back to our car so that we could drive a half an hour to our hotel. It was a glorious trip, and I loved every second of it. Here is why...

Our Boat!

What we saw along the way!

Our destination...Santa Cruz Island, of the Channel Islands of California.

We spent the day hiking about ten miles and didn't see a single person on the trail. Here is some of what we did see.

Once we got back from the island we spent the night in Ventura and the next day went to our favorite Ojai bakery.

After having our delicious breakfast we drove home, and along the way stopped at a fruit stand where we purchased plums, strawberries and oranges. Then being the wonderful wife that I am, I declared that it was a desert for dinner night. There is nothing like strawberry shortcake for dinner.

The rest of the weekend was incredibly boring with me working on homework and Greg working on work from home...I'll explain that difference in a future post. Till then!