I know, I know... I have been very bad about updating this blog. I am sorry. I could give a whole bunch of excuses as to why but instead how about I catch you up with all that has happened over here in California.
October 14th through the 17th...
Greg had to go to a conference. Being the amazing husband he is, this time he invited me! So on Thursday the 14th we headed North to Berkeley for Greg's conference and for me to get out of the apartment. We spent Thursday exploring Berkeley, and Friday I stayed at the hotel studying and Greg went to his conference. We had a really great time in Berkeley and on Saturday we took the subway over to San Francisco for the day. We ended up walking about ten miles since we wanted to see as much as possible. Most of the pictures you have been seeing on the other blog are from that trip. But here are just a few more...
Nope, a bomb didn't go off this was my study area at the hotel...
Greg and I happy to get warm in our new sweatshirts...see the look on Greg's face I knew exactly how to fix that...
October 31...
No trick-or-treaters...but Greg did carve a pumpkin.
November 4th through the 7th...
Surprise trip to Flagstaff! No one knew that we were coming, and it was a lot of fun surprising everyone. We got in late to Flagstaff and I think it took my mom a few minutes to figure out what the heck was going on . It was really nice to see family, sit by a fire in the fireplace and get out of Los Angeles. My mom just happened to be taking care of my brother's two dogs while we were there so it was a little more chaotic than usual...
November 13th...
Greg's event Exploring Your Universe took place at UCLA. I worked at the information booth and Greg ran around like a chicken with his head cut off. Greg founded this event last year and so this was the second year he has put it together. I think it went wonderfully although in the weeks leading up to the event I don't think I saw Greg for more than ten minutes a day... I don't have any pictures of the event, but I will try to get some from Greg to post soon.
November 18th....

Pico got a haircut.
Well now that you are all caught up I will do my best to post more frequently. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all have a fabulous Turkey Day!
O.K. Where did you get the "Catch up" bottle???