Sunday, October 9, 2011

A View From Above The Clouds

by Greg

I spent 3 nights observing the night sky in Hawaii, remotely from Los Angeles. Long nights (3 hour time difference!) and clouds made the time go by slowly.

I found a webcam on one of the telescopes that takes beautiful pictures! The movies are especially entertaining. You can see it here:

Here are a few pictures I saved:

Sunrise to the east of Mauna Kea, clouds below and stars above.

Full moon makes a bright night. Lights of Hilo peak through the clouds.

More bright clouds.

Sunset.  The shadow of the mountain stretches out over the clouds and the ocean.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Time to say goodbye...

I thought long and hard and came to the decision that in order to try and update this blog more regularly, I am not going to be updating "Side Show Slide Show" anymore.  If there comes a time when I have a ton more pictures I will update it again.  So if this goes according to plan you should be reading a lot more posts on this blog in the future.  Thank you for visiting "Side Show Slide Show!"