Monday, June 11, 2012

Mom Moments

Well yesterday was Cora's three week birthday.  It is crazy how much changes when you have a baby.  I am not complaining just noticing that there are some very big differences between my life ten months ago and my life today.  For example ten months ago I never would have forgotten that I was wearing my slippers and walked out the front door.  Ten months ago I would have noticed that my shirt was on inside out way before my sister had to tell me.  Ten months ago I would be one of the people sleeping right now instead of sitting in the dining room while the rest of the house is sleeping writing a blog post, because when else is it going to get written.  Ten months ago I was in nursing school.  I am still processing through the last one, I am not quite sure how I feel about not going back this fall (they didn't give me much of a choice, but that is a whole other post.)  I can't remember the last time I turned on the TV and watched the Cubs, or How I Met Your Mother, there just doesn't seem to be time. Also I hate being late to anything, I prefer to be super early than late but since Miss. Cora arrived I seem to be leaving the house when I am supposed to be somewhere.  I have started to figure out how long it takes me to get out of the house with her, so hopefully I will be back to my early self soon.  Being a mom has changed so much in my life and part of me is mourning my old life, looking back it was pretty great.  I am glad that I didn't take for granted the ten years Greg and I spent just being a couple and now I am determined not to take this new adventure for granted either.  Here are some pictures from the new adventure we are is pretty great. 

PS: I started this post on Saturday, but am just now getting around to publishing it. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

We were on TV...

Greg and I were invited to a Dodger game and our seats were amazing! So amazing that we were on TV! More on that later... First our night started with a great dinner in the Dugout Club, where we ate dinner surrounded by (this is the name dropping part)...

Then we went out to our seats where we realized we were just a couple of rows away from... 

Here is the view from our seats as well as some pictures taken during the game.

Here are some pictures of us at the game. I should warn you, I never feel like I look tired, but apparently at nine months pregnant there is not an angle on the planet that can make me look well rested.
Before the game. We thought the camera was on a ten second timer...nope! 

After the game.

As promised here are some pictures of us on TV... Oh sure you can hardly see us, but we are there.

Baby Mace making her TV debut!

After the game Francisco (the batboy) was nice enough to give Baby Mace a ball!

I promised Greg that I would do my best to wait until after the game to have this baby. Now all bet's are off... Come on Baby!

In case anyone out there is starved for some Pico pictures here is his latest "Pound Puppy" pose.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Getting Close...

Just a quick update for those of you who are curious as to how Baby Mace is coming along.  I am currently 35 weeks and so we should be meeting our baby very soon.  These pictures were taken at 34 weeks.  Yes, I am as tired as I look in these pictures, but it is for a good cause.  Greg is currently in Hawaii and I am anxious to get him home safe, I don't like to be separated from him for too long and it seems that being pregnant has only intensified those feelings.  As for Baby Mace, she is doing just great she likes to stretch out and pushes her little booty forward when she does.  She also responds to Greg's voice so I am pretty sure she is already a daddy's girl and let's just say I think Greg will be wrapped around her finger with in seconds of laying eyes on her...if he isn't already.  When Greg gets back from Hawaii we will start getting the house ready for her...that is so crazy.  If you are wondering about our first baby, Pico, he is doing great although he does not love the fact that I can't bend over and play fetch with him, or have dance parties with him as easily as I used to.  Pico is enjoying having a back yard to sniff around in and big windows in the front of the house so he can bark at anyone who dares to walk by.  Yup, everyone is happy and healthy in the Mace household.       

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Lately inquiring minds have wanted to know about how Baby Mace is doing, so I figured I would update everyone as we head into the third trimester!  Baby Mace is doing well and kicks a lot, and she responds to her dad's voice, which is a lot of fun.  Greg and I are getting excited to meet the little one and find out if she will have red hair, which seems to be a super gene in his family.  Guess we will just have to wait a few more weeks to see.    

Here is the latest "belly" photo, enjoy!