Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010!!!!

As promised, in all of it's glory, I present to you Greg and Janet's fabulous Thanksgiving trip 2010!

This year we decided not to go back to Arizona for the holiday, instead we met my family for a camping trip at Death Valley National Park. We were there from Wednesday night to Sunday morning, and in that time we did a lot.

We went from Dante's View...

to the lowest point in the park, (Badwater Basin).

We saw a natural arch...

and an Artists Palette.

We went on some incredible drives around the park.

Which led to some pretty great tailgate picnics.

Last, but not even close to least we went to see the "Skittering Rocks!"

Yup, there really is no place like tent for the holidays.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT PICTURES~~Especially the skittering rocks. Grandpa
    has an explanation for it of course.
