Did you miss me?
I know, it really has been way too long since I updated this blog. This last semester has been a real doozie. In the last few weeks I have slept an average of 2 hours a night, and have been sitting at a desk with way too many books in front of me. I never thought I would say this but...thank goodness it is finals week!!!!In other news, since Greg and I were not busy (I know sarcasm is really not a nice quality, but sometimes it is just way to fitting), my little sister and her boyfriend Dustin decided to head over to California for a quick visit. They came by train which was a new adventure for them, but they really enjoyed it.Anyway, they got here early last Friday morning (05/28/2010), Greg and I picked them up at Union Station and decided that Coffee Bean was needed for breakfast. Since Greg had to work, Bette, Dustin, and I spent the majority of the day with them swimming and me trying to finish homework.Once Greg got home, we decided that we should try to find some stars (Hollywood that is...) and were lucky enough to find the following:

After paying our respects, we all went out to dinner and then to get ice cream. It was a pretty great day.

So, so, so delicious!
The next day we decided that a visit to
Paramount Ranch was needed and then some time at the beach. Paramount Ranch is exactly what it sounds like...a massive ranch that is owned by Paramount and has been used on shows such as "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman." Okay... it was actually pretty fun to see!

No beach pictures this time, but I promise you it was a super fun time!
Sunday, was the day that Greg, Bette, and Dustin had been waiting for...
Flight of the Conchords concert at the
Hollywood Bowl. I'll admit that I was not looking forward to it, but I ended up having a really good time.

Hollywood Bowl.

Bette and Dustin, showing off their souvenir.
Monday, was a laid back day complete with homemade pizza and swimming. Bette and Dustin took the train back to Flag. that night. It was nice to have a little break...
Now on to finals!!!