Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here We Go Again...

Yesterday was an exciting day in the Mace household, it was the first day of school! (This may or may not be read with sarcasm.) This year was a little different though because Greg is out of town at a conference so it was just me running around gathering school supplies, making my lunch, and petting Pico a million plus times because I felt guilty for leaving him all day.

Once I got to school the day was pretty uneventful except for the fact that they remodeled the cafeteria during the summer and because now it no longer has the lovely blue and peach plastic booths from the 1980's, but instead has hip bistro tables and flat screen televisions, it has become cool to eat your lunch there...I miss the booths. So needless to say, there was not a seat to be had, so I went in search of a patch of grass in the shade to eat my half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple. Within 5 seconds (not exaggerating) of unwrapping my PB&J this little chap came along looking for a fight...

He got to about 2 inches away from my backpack! I would move something and he would jump in the air and then come right back. This drew so much attention that another student asked if I was training him. The answer of course was no, I do not, nor will I ever feed a wild animal. After I finished my lunch and said good bye to my new frenemy (never thought I would use that word in a sentence) and headed off for some more class. My last class ended at 9:50pm and even though I was tired I was really happy to see this when I got home...

Thank you for waiting up for me Pico...it made my day.

Greg, hurry home soon so that I will have to handsome boys to come home to. I love you!


  1. Good to hear from you again!!! You make school sound like
    fun.Makes me with I'd got an education instead of getting
    married out of high school but then we wouldn't have Greg
    so go figure.

  2. Should have corrected "with" to "wish".

  3. I am so proud of you both.We miss you.You have an incredible life!Grandma is so silly,we are all very glad she got married to grandpa instead.:)

  4. Pico probably sensed a nutty presence and was worried about you all day. What a good dog!
