Hello all this is our first post! Having said that I guess I will jump right in. Tonight I took the bus up to meet Greg for dinner. About half way there the driver made everyone get off as he had to turn the bus around…clue number one. I called Greg and proceeded to walk up to meet him, about half way there I ran in to members of the swat team in riot gear transporting children from one bus to another…clue number two. It wasn’t long before I heard the helicopters and noticed all the media…clue number three, finally I put all three clues together looked up and low and behold there was a massive protest going on! So much fun! Granted I was probably not in the best place at the best time but I did enjoy myself. Once I got to Greg we went to dinner and caught the bus back. However due to the protest it took us an hour and a half to get home. Crazy as it sounds I really had a ton of fun tonight. Till next time!
6 days ago
Awwww, protests, you had a piece of NAU for just a moment... times 100, sounds like!
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