Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful and The Final Answer to 20 Questions!

These pictures are all out of order but oh well! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, complete with seventeen adults and three children! Hope all of your Thanksgivings were wonderful and enjoy your Black Friday's!

Anissa and I enjoying a "cup of joe" after eating entirely too much food!
Mom and Greg initiating far the worst part of Thanksgiving!
Loren, Greg, and Anissa trying to figure out if Loren's fingers were webbed...ahh the amazing conversations that are had during Thanksgiving.
This is mostly Sarah's family (my sister in law) although if you look closely you may be able to pick out my mom and brother!
Loren and Anissa waiting on the food!
How many Mennow's' does it take to make a casserole?
From left to right Robbie (big brother), Bette (little sister), and Janet (worlds best sister!)
Just ask them!
Ahh, we sure do have fun together!
Thanksgiving Day breakfast!
Left to right Barb (Chris's mom), Chris, Mary (Mom), Aunt Ninny
Lila enjoying the fire.
Chris and my mom preparing the turkey for roasting!
To all of those still wondering...Greg and I are thankful to be going on an adventure to Peru this summer! I will include more details in a future post!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering...

I only received two guesses last week, so here are the answers to those. Next week you will all find out where we are going to on our adventure! Keep those guesses coming!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My husband and I are very busy. We feel lucky if we are able to get thirty minutes together a day, and so it is easy to lose sight of what the other person is doing. I know that the last few week's have been incredibly stressful one's for Greg, and so this morning as we were getting ready to start our day's he was talking to me about how stressed he was, and how he was just feeling a little melancholy. I hate that, I don't handle it well when Greg is not doing well. I love him so much and I know how hard he works and I really can't stand to see him down. So now that you know this, you won't be surprised when I tell you that I immediately began the task of cheering him up. I was surprised when he said, "I don't need this, I know we are a team but I don't need you in my dugout." To which I replied, "we're a team, and so I am in your dugout." That was that. Smiling, the two of us headed out together holding hands and had a cup of coffee before kissing good bye at the bus stop. I knew what Greg meant when he made that comment, but one of the best things about being married is knowing that there is always someone in your dugout, just in case you need them. Yup, I am positive I got the best guy out there, and I couldn't be more proud to be in someone's dugout, even if I am not always needed. Here's hoping that I get to see more of my amazing husband in the future!

Want to check out what Greg has been up to? Click here!
(Keep in mind he created this whole event from scratch!)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Visit From Dad

This past week was a busy one for me and Greg. However, it was an exciting one as well! My dad lives in Florida and rarely makes it out to the west coast, so when he called to say he was going to be in California for a few day's I was really excited. It was a quick trip, he got in on Thursday afternoon and left Saturday afternoon, but we had a great time together. Thursday evening we met Greg for Persian food and then on Friday my dad and I went to The Getty Museum and later went to a wonderful dinner at Hal's Bar & Grill. Saturday before my dad left we perused the farmers market, went to an old car show at The Pier, and went to some great Mexican food before sending my dad back to Florida. It was a great visit and I hope that he is able to come visit more often.

Some pictures from the visit with my dad.

In other news, you all have been very patient and here are some answers to some very good questions:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday!

My little dog is three today! Sappy but true I would jump in front of a bus for this dog. He is my best friend and loyal companion, not to mention a great dance partner! Happy Birthday Pico!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Mom and Chris enjoying their Halloween treats!

Greg and me...notice Greg could not even wait for the camera before he started in on his treat!

Bette and Dustin...

That is my husband perched up there on that rock high above the camp.

We decorated!

Our trick-or-treater!


Yes, that is me. Yes, I am wearing a bonnet...I don't know why we don't still use them, they are amazing!

Lost Horse Mine...super neat!

Our home sweet case you were wondering we did not use the fire ring that is touching our tent.

PS: Answers set number two for 20 Questions coming soon!