My husband and I are very busy. We feel lucky if we are able to get thirty minutes together a day, and so it is easy to lose sight of what the other person is doing. I know that the last few week's have been incredibly stressful one's for Greg, and so this morning as we were getting ready to start our day's he was talking to me about how stressed he was, and how he was just feeling a little melancholy. I hate that, I don't handle it well when Greg is not doing well. I love him so much and I know how hard he works and I really can't stand to see him down. So now that you know this, you won't be surprised when I tell you that I immediately began the task of cheering him up. I was surprised when he said, "I don't need this, I know we are a team but I don't need you in my dugout." To which I replied, "we're a team, and so I am in your dugout." That was that. Smiling, the two of us headed out together holding hands and had a cup of coffee before kissing good bye at the bus stop. I knew what Greg meant when he made that comment, but one of the best things about being married is knowing that there is always someone in your dugout, just in case you need them. Yup, I am positive I got the best guy out there, and I couldn't be more proud to be in someone's dugout, even if I am not always needed. Here's hoping that I get to see more of my amazing husband in the future!

Want to check out what Greg has been up to? Click
(Keep in mind he created this whole event from scratch!)
Wow! I see why Greg might be stressed after I went to his
ReplyDeleteevent schedule. Slow down Greg!! It all printed perfectly
and grandpa will love it. Grandma
What a great pair you two make!