Monday, March 29, 2010


I think about what to write on the blog a lot. Sometimes my ideas get posted and other times they end up being forgotten or thrown out. I usually run out of things to blog about when school starts. This is because my life starts to revolve around a class schedule and a variety of homework assignments. This semester I have an interesting mix of subjects, between History, Women's Studies, Spanish and Drug Calculations none of them are similar. However, all of them are having a profound affect on the way I view the world.

Now don't worry, I will not delve into politics, or religion or anything else that may be perceived as controversial....I have very few readers and I don't want to lose any! School is so different now than it was when I was 18. At 18 I wasn't open to other ideas, and I wasn't able to come up with my own ideas. At 25 I find that I am much better at this, though still not a pro. I don't simply have to believe you because you say it is so. For a people pleaser this is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, to be able to know that you have a voice and some amount of control in your beliefs. A curse because sometimes that means you disagree with the people you love most. How do you voice those opinions without causing hurt feelings?

Lately my thought is don't. You will hurt feelings, you will lose people due to beliefs and ideas, but as long as you do this with respect than it is okay. It is okay to be different, it is okay to believe differently, it is okay to be one person in a sea of people. This country was created with a diverse group of people and that should be celebrated not frowned upon.

For me I am one person, I wear many hats, and I have many labels attached to me. I am short, blond, female, green eyed, and was blessed/cursed with my grandmother's Hungarian body. I can be the kindest person you will ever meet, or I can be the most terrible monster on the face of the earth (depending on the day). I love musicals and country music, and you couldn't pay me to watch FOX News.

I am one, and that is okay. I love that I am able to be one. I know that this is a cheesy post but I hope that everyone who reads this is happy being one also. I am happy for all of you, and for all of the individual experiences and things you bring to my life.

Now back to homework.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Mysteries and a lot of Purple...

I have noticed, that once school starts and I become super focused that the bus becomes my playground. I sit or stand on a bus between 20 and 45 minutes each way four days a week, and during that time I think and I people watch. I think about really serious things and really random things, and then I look at all the people around me doing a bunch of random things. Here is just one of the many random things I have had the privilege of seeing.

There was a lady on the bus in head to toe purple. When I say head to toe I mean head to toe. Here is my artists rendition of her

Purple platform high heals, purple tinted sunglasses, violet get the point and the crazy thing was that it was all the same purple in a ton of separate pieces! How is it possible for this one lady to perfectly match her watch face to her outfit? I thought maybe she was really good at Rit Dye. Who knows, but honestly for the first time in my life I debated on sneaking a cell phone picture, I have never seen anything like this.

Maybe I should re-title this blog...Stories From The Bus. What do you think?

By the way that thing next to her in my drawing is her had rhinestones on it, and you guessed it they matched everything else perfectly! So many mysteries so little time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Pictures in my mind...

I remember as a child being asked if I could have a super power what would I have? I remember thinking that invisibility, or time travel would be neat.

The other day on the bus though, I was thinking that I wish I could take a picture with my eyes. Sound weird? Let me explain; I know what I see every day, but unfortunately I don't always have a camera so that I can share it. Plus parents seem to get weary when a stranger snaps a picture of them and their children. If I could take a picture just with my eyes though, no one would know and be uncomfortable.

Here are some of the things I wish I could show you... on my way to school there is a lime green house that is just about the brightest thing I have ever seen, and every day it makes smile. I wonder what kind of people live in a house
that bright? I bet they have a great sense of humor. Then there is the little old man and his wife who walk arm in arm to the cancer center everyday, at the same time. A little girl with the cutest pout you ever saw, dressed in an over sized coat with a newsboy cap on. Not to mention the bright colored backpacks that get smashed together in the aisle of the bus as we get closer to campus. I see people in the cars next to the bus, putting on makeup, texting, talking on their phones, shushing their kids, and turning bright red when they realize they are being watched.

I wish that all of you could spend a day with me, so that we could experience all of these things together. Since it is just me I hope that I was able to describe to you some of the beauty I see in this city everyday. Even an entire highway of break lights is beautiful, more so if you are not one of the pairs of break lights. So if I could have a super power it would be to take pictures that I could share with you, with my eyes.

Very light traffic in L.A.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sour Milk...

Greg has had to work a lot of nights lately, and tonight was no different. After I took him back to work, I came home and decided that cereal for dinner was perfect... Why is it that one spoonful of sour milk makes you contemplate why you are even alive? I know this is really dramatic, but it is one of the grossest things I can think of! So after pouring dinner down the drain I got back on the horse and tried much better!

Round Two!

Friday, March 5, 2010

What is the point?

I just started typing three new posts for this blog, which I immediately deleted. They were awful. This one is awful too, but at least I am being insanely honest. Nothing is going on around here. I have started school and am loving it, Greg is getting ready to take the test that determines whether or not he will receive his master's degree, and Pico, is sleeping by my feet.

I guess I could offer you some advice...if you ever come to Los Angeles, that neat lane on the left side of the road for carpool...please get out of it unless you are willing to go at least 10 mph, preferably 20 mph over the speed limit. Thank you. It isn't often, we Angelenos are even able to get up to the speed limit here, so help us out and crawl over to the right lane.
Your welcome for another pointless post brought to you by: Janet

Guess it doesn't hurt to through in a picture of Pico...I love this dog waaaaaayyyyyy to much for my own good!

PS: While reading back through my recent posts, I noticed I sound rather negative. Sorry about that, I promise I am actually in a fantastic mood...Have a good weekend!