I just started typing three new posts for this blog, which I immediately deleted. They were awful. This one is awful too, but at least I am being insanely honest. Nothing is going on around here. I have started school and am loving it, Greg is getting ready to take the test that determines whether or not he will receive his master's degree, and Pico, is sleeping by my feet.
I guess I could offer you some advice...if you ever come to Los Angeles, that neat lane on the left side of the road for carpool...please get out of it unless you are willing to go at least 10 mph, preferably 20 mph over the speed limit. Thank you. It isn't often, we Angelenos are even able to get up to the speed limit here, so help us out and crawl over to the right lane.
Your welcome for another pointless post brought to you by: Janet
5 days ago
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