Monday, January 25, 2010

The Adventure Continues...

You should see the apartment right now...I am up to my neck in boxes there are odd little pieces of paper on every shelf that I don't know what to do with and there is a whole lot of country music playing in the background (my guilty pleasure). Ahhh, the joys of moving. Yes, it is true Greg and I are leaving behind our little apartment on the beach. It is time... We were in desperate need of more space and by moving closer to Greg's work he might even be able to make it home for dinner sometimes! I'll post some pictures soon!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Our Version of the Winter Storm of 2010...

Just a tad windy...

They never actually move anywhere just sort of float on the wind...very strange to see.

The undertow is incredible!

Looking down the beach.


I like this one.

No kid's are playing out there today...if you look in the background you can see some of the 12 foot waves we have been having.

In some ways, it is very beautiful, while in others, very ominous.

Road under The Pier...

I don't think anyone will be playing chess for a while.

Our apartment building...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Washington D.C. In Pictures

Greg getting ready to fly out!

U.S. Capitol

Supreme Court of the United States

Library of Congress...beautiful!

I was in pain when this was taken, I am pretty sure that both Greg and I got frost bite on our noses... It was worth it we loved D.C.!

They look cold...

Hope Diamond...we were not planning on stopping here but it was so cold outside we had to seek refuge in The National Museum of Natural History.

Love him...

Love coffee especially on cold days!

The Washington Monument...This was by far the coldest most windiest day that we were there.

Hideous face I am making but you get the was C-O-L-D!

View from the top of the Washington Monument. We love this city!
Not too sure what this is but it looks important...oh wait that's The White House.

Ford's Theatre.

The theater box where President Lincoln was shot.

The Berlin Wall inside the Newseum... This museum had me close to tears several times.

It was bright out and I took a long time taking the picture...but here is Greg and The Capitol.


We loved riding the train.

The Postal Museum


Me on an old postal train car.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Cleaning Fairy

I mentioned in the last post that Greg has left for D.C. This means a few things for me... one I can stay up as late as I want and no one tells me it is time for bed, two once I go to sleep I can use the entire bed, and three I can be a complete and utter slob for a few days. This is the way that my brain works whenever he leaves town...but did you know that there is no magic cleaning fairy? It's true, as I looked around the house today and debated if I really needed to get out of my pajamas; or could I possible make a meal out of some soy milk and a completely frozen turkey?... I decided that I could (don't ask me how...I'll give you a clue the turkey is still in the freezer). Then I realized that I too was leaving for D.C. in a couple of day's, and that meant that I would have to clean before I left, that is when I realized that my amazing plot of being a slob while Greg was gone, had backfired. Yes, it is 11:00pm and I am folding laundry doing dishes and wondering if I can get the floors mopped before 2:00am? Even as I write this I am sure that the next time Greg leaves town this will happen again because it has been happening for the last six years, and I hate changing my ways. I can't wait to see Greg and for him to come home so I have a little motivation because something tells me that I would be a bum if I could and stay in my pajamas all day long, read books, and watch more chick flicks than anyone has a right to. I have really loved the past few day's but I really look forward to waking up to a clean house tomorrow. I also look forward to meeting my husband in D.C. Nope there is no magic cleaning fairy, which is really too bad because right now as I type this and wait for the dryer to be done I keep thinking how nice it would be to watch some tear jerker movie and when the movie is done turning on the lights and the whole house would be clean! Something tells me that I should have listened to Peter Pan and gone to Never Land!

PS: While I thought of posting a picture of the apartment I realized it would be much more fun to let your imaginations run wild! So have some fun at my expense!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


For Christmas this year, Greg and I made the trek back to Flagstaff to visit family. We stopped at my brother's house first for a few day's in Phoenix which was really fun, and then headed up the hill to celebrate as much as we could with both of our families. While splitting time between families is never easy this year the struggle was lessened a bit because my family decided not to give gifts, which made it so that we could spend Christmas morning at Greg's mom's house and then go back to mine for Christmas dinner. Also I should mention that since Greg and I didn't have to exchange gifts with anyone in my family we were able to give ourselves a very nice Christmas. Greg gave me a new purse...(I LOVE PURSES!!!), we got a new digital camera for our trip to Peru, and we got a food processor/blender...anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a good cook, but I do love kitchen gadgets and so does Greg, so we look forward to using this one! Greg and I got back to Santa Monica last Monday night, and I dropped him off at the airport yesterday so that he could go to a conference in D.C. I am counting down the day's to when I leave so we can go see our nations capital during the coldest time of the year!