Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Washington D.C. In Pictures

Greg getting ready to fly out!

U.S. Capitol

Supreme Court of the United States

Library of Congress...beautiful!

I was in pain when this was taken, I am pretty sure that both Greg and I got frost bite on our noses... It was worth it we loved D.C.!

They look cold...

Hope Diamond...we were not planning on stopping here but it was so cold outside we had to seek refuge in The National Museum of Natural History.

Love him...

Love coffee especially on cold days!

The Washington Monument...This was by far the coldest most windiest day that we were there.

Hideous face I am making but you get the was C-O-L-D!

View from the top of the Washington Monument. We love this city!
Not too sure what this is but it looks important...oh wait that's The White House.

Ford's Theatre.

The theater box where President Lincoln was shot.

The Berlin Wall inside the Newseum... This museum had me close to tears several times.

It was bright out and I took a long time taking the picture...but here is Greg and The Capitol.


We loved riding the train.

The Postal Museum


Me on an old postal train car.


  1. Totally off topic,
    but your skin is looking rockin' awesome in all these photos! : )

  2. Your pictures are great!! Glad you got the opportunity.
    Don't even think about going to Haiti!! love grandma

  3. BRRRR But not enough to keep you from seeing all you could, back to rain out west Snowing hard and got some time off Love you

  4. That looks like such a fun trip, but as you said COLD! Living in the desert makes me forget that the rest of the world is freezing! Thanks for the reminder!
