Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend....

Whew! Well we are back from another whirl wind adventure to Joshua Tree. Unfortunately on my last post I was trying so hard to get the post up that I left out some important details. The first being that, that particular trip was Greg’s and my first backpacking adventure, the second being that we were only out there for one day but we learned some very important lessons on backpacking. Some of these include that you can survive on granola bars you just don’t necessarily feel that great afterwards. Also try to camp when it is a new moon…the stars are unbelievable. On our most recent adventure to Joshua Tree we went with some friends of Greg’s from work. They were gracious enough to do the driving and picked us up around eight in the morning. It took us about two and a half hours to get there and we were very glad that we had our annual pass to get into the park…the line was very long but we showed them our pass and got to pass a lot of the cars that were in line! Once we were there we all put on our gear, as you can see below apparently Greg saw the pictures of the last trip and decided that I wasn’t pulling my weight… We hiked for a few hours and noticed clouds rolling in and decided we should set up camp just in case. Once camp was set up we ate some lunch and decided that if we were going to get any more hiking in now was our chance. We hiked for six miles and decided to turn back as we were running low on water. Once back to camp Ian and Betsy (Greg’s friends) pulled out their handy dandy camp stove and proceeded to make Thai food for dinner! After seeing their fancy set up Greg and I are definitely considering getting one of our own. After dinner we made an Easter dessert…bunny peep s'mores, and we also drank hot coco! It was a fantastic evening! We went to bed early as it got quite cold (below freezing) and woke up the next day and hiked back out. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and enjoy some more pictures of Joshua Tree National Park!

I promise the only thing more that he is carrying that I wasn't was the tent...but I do appreciate him carrying that!

Well this pack is a lot bigger than my last pack. Plus that strap around the middle does nothing for my recent weight loss! What a great time though!

Our campsite!

Getting ready for lunch!

Some of the beautiful desert blooms.

A cluster of Joshua tree's.

Tent sweet tent...and the sleeping bags went to the right people this time!

Ian and Betsy making our Thai food...yum!

He skinned his bunny peep! But seems to be enjoying his s'more.

Waking up I found this...a mummified Greg!

The view of the Joshua Tree forest from the trail.

Keys View...This picture does not do the view here justice. Breathtaking!

Whew! We made looks like someone pulled the hat all the way over my head!


  1. How fun! I love camping and I wish we got to do it more!! Looks like y'all have so much fun! I did my header on a photoshop program called Gimp. It was pretty easy. If you want to do one and want help let me know and I would be happy to!!

  2. Where do you get all that energy??Glad you
    took company along, much safer in this day
    and age. love grandma
