Sunday, April 19, 2009

How did this happen?

It has recently come to my attention that I am old…and not just me but also my husband. Some how over night 24 years old is old! While sitting in one of my classes I overheard a girl saying how excited she was to turn 18 and then she proceeds to let me know that I have laugh lines. So while Greg and I were home this weekend we started thinking about it…here are some of the things we discovered:

1) We like 8 hours of sleep.

2) We are in bed by 10 every night.

3) If we go to Burger King we know exactly what we want…without looking at a menu, here is a conversation we had at Burger King a few days ago. Keep in mind that this is 10:30am and we hadn’t had breakfast. Also only the breakfast menu is up at the drive through.

~ “Hello welcome to Burger King may I take your order?”

~”Hi are you serving lunch?”

~”We are serving breakfast and lunch.”

~ “We would like two number 6’s off of the lunch menu, both with diet coke and both without mayonnaise.”

~ “Off the lunch menu?”

~ (Greg didn’t understand her so I yell across the car) “Ya off of the lunch menu!”

~ We then get to the window and ask for 3 different kinds of sauces.

4) I have started clipping coupons… in fact I am rather obsessed with this new hobby.

5) We use denture cleaner…it is to clean our night guards but still we buy and use denture cleaner!

6) Greg is going bald…or at least his hair is not quite as thick as it once was.

7) We don’t know any of the songs on the music countdowns.

8) Our backs hurt…and my hip hurts…and any given moment something else might hurt.

This is just eight of the many examples we came up with. Wait one more last night before bed the last thing that we talked about was writing our wills and what to do with our remains…yup that about covers it. We are officially old!

The old couple...


  1. I understand my hubby and I do the same things... about a week ago I was walking thru the grocery store with my two girls and this kid almost hit my basket while he was rolling on those shoes with wheels - I told him to be careful and he turned around and said "Old people! What are you like 30?!?!" I went home did my hair and make up right away! It was so sad!

  2. Janet- thanks for looking at my blog! I'll try to be better about posting. I feel bad this is the first time I've checked yours out. Its cute. I will definitely add it to my list and look at it more often!

  3. Greg and Janet---You don't know what "Old" is till
    you get to 75. love grandma
