So, This is my first post!
Last Sunday Janet and I went on our own adventures. Usually we travel together, and so a single blog post is enough. However, with different paths come different stories. I will share my week, and then Janet can share hers.
I got picked-up by a coworker at 6:00am on Sunday for the long drive to Santa Cruz. I was headed to Santa Cruz for a week long summer school on Adaptive Optics. (Astronomers use AO to remove the effect that the atmosphere has in blurring your images. It is also used by eye doctors to image the retina to diagnose the cause of vision problems.) I had been to Santa Cruz twice before but these had been very quick visits.
During my week I mostly spent the days in long lectures and learning labs. The fun happened at night!
At night the deer would come out and graze, the fog settled in, and we had some free time. One night we went down to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and rode rides and ate junk food. We also played laser tag and mini golf. The best part was that rides were only $0.75 and fried twinkies were $3! I got sick from the twinkie but had one of the funnest evenings of my life. I look forward to taking Janet here in the future!
Below are the photo's that I took along the way:

Janet on her way out of town!

Our street at 6am.

A foggy morning the Santa Cruz.

One of the rides I rode at the boardwalk.

Deep Fried Twinkie!

The forest that surrounds campus.

The big fire near Santa Cruz.

A giant artichoke in Castroville, CA the 'Artichoke Capital of the World.'
Tonight Janet gets home. I have missed my whiff horribly and realized that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have realized how much I take for granted in our little family, and hope that the readers take a moment to count their blessings too.