Well Greg has caught you up to speed on how he spent last week but that is only his half of the story...and let's face it you were all dying to know what my side was, or maybe you were not but I am going to tell you anyway. When I found out that Greg was going to be gone for a week I thought to myself what can I do that week, besides sit at home and wait for him to come home? My answer...visit my brother, sister in law, and Rocco (their dog) in lovely Phoenix! Oh sure it was going to be 112 degrees outside during the day but hey they have a pool...I know what you are all thinking "Janet you live at the beach and it never gets over 78 degrees why on earth would you want to go to Phoenix in August?!" Well here is the answer...I am a glutton for punishment. Anyway I left at 6:00am the same day that Greg left. I made really good time and was in Phoenix by 11:30am! I was so excited to be there the first thing we did is go to the store and then have some pina coladas by the pool! Then after talking to my sister in law about Twilight (which I had decided I would never read or watch) she browbeat me ;) into watching the movie. After watching the movie I decided that I had to at least know how the saga ended and so I did the unthinkable...I read the last few important pieces of the final book *gasp*! Once Sarah (my sister in law) heard this she declared that I must now read all of the books...to which I replied...."okay". I know I put up a real fight on that one. So the majority of my trip was spent reading and falling in love with the series. I was able to pull myself away from the books a little each day to walk the dogs make small talk and swim in the pool, and I even pulled myself away long enough to go the mall and to get a pedicure! So that is how I spent my week...some might say it was unproductive and boring but let me just say it was one of the best, most relaxing weeks of my life! Thank you so much to my brother, his wife and of course Rocco for putting up with me and my little dog too!!!

Leaving LA.

Cousin Rocco
Pico catching some ray's in the pool!
Pico on his "walk" man am I a sucker!

My brother and Cousin Rocco.

SNAKE!!!! If you look closely you can see paw prints...where Cousin Rocco was standing just a few seconds prior to this picture!
Pico enjoying the good life...

Driving home...like the pink lips?...Me too!!!!

Almost home!
Janet We've been wondering what happened to you. thanks for
ReplyDeleteenlightening us!! Can't believe you made such a trip by
yourself. Glad you're both safe back home!! love grandma